Co-Executive Director
Laura Gallier has worked closely with Cherry Steinwender and The Center for the Healing of Racism since 2015 to examine her racial conditioning, her privilege, and the ways racism creates inequity. She has received anti-racism training with SURJ HTX, the White Privilege Conference, The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond, laura brewer Holding Whiteness, and informally through grassroots activism in education, disaster recovery, prison reform, voting rights, and immigrants rights.
In 2016, Laura began training to co-facilitate dialogues for the Center, including the Center’s signature 16-hour workshop Dialogue:Racism, Do You Really Want to Talk about Racism, Opening the Bread Basket, and more. She has developed several topical workshops for the Center, including Microaggressions, Belonging, and dialogues about books on whiteness and racism.
Laura is a Certified Public Accountant. She became the 5th Co-Executive Director in 2019.